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Get Involved


Family Crisis Shelter depends upon the support of volunteers to help survivors reach self-sufficiency.

The main areas of need are:


Crisis Volunteers

Family Crisis Shelter receives hundreds of crisis calls each year and has a great need to for assistance in that area. If you have a heart for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, working as a Crisis Volunteer may be the perfect opportunity for you!

Maintenance Volunteers
As with any building, FCS is always in need of general upkeep, maintenance, and repairs. Unfortunately, FCS may not always have the staff or expertise necessary. That's where maintenance volunteers save the day to help FCS make improvements and maintain  the property. 

Special Program Volunteers
Do you have a skill or gift you would like to share with survivors? For example, would you like to work with FCS clients to teach them crafts, cooking, or survival skills? FCS is always looking for ways to improve client programming, and volunteers do a lot in that area.


If you're interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, or if you have your own ideas, please give us a call us

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