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Peace. Safety. Hope.

Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault can feel the joy of waking up to a new day at Familiy Crisis Shelter in Crawfordsville, Indiana. 

We provide emergency housing and supportive services in a welcoming and judgment-free environment. Our clients achieve safety and independence by working toward their unique goals that lead them to violence-free lives, so they can grow to reach their full potential.

Learn more about our services and mission and how you can get help or support a vital service in Montgomery County, Indiana.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911. 

If you are in Montgomery, Fountain, Boone, or Putnam county and need help, please call 1-800-370-4103 for help or email us. 

You are welcome at FCS, no matter where you are from. 

What is domestic violence?

Wondering if what you're feeling is normal?

Read more about the effects of domestic violence

What is sexual assault?

Did you know that every two minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted?

Read more about the effects of sexual assault

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